Even great achievers didn’t do everything well. Albert Einstein never solved the theory of the comb; Susan B. Anthony once forgot to vote; Neil Armstrong would stumble taking large steps. (At least, that’s what we heard.)
And the creator of this website, Zaiem Beg, won’t engage in shameless self-promotion. So I’m going to have to do it for him.
(Editor’s note: SBNation created this site and was originally managed by Dan Morse. I acquired the site/trademark/assets from SBNation in April 2023. Just wanted to give credit where it’s due. Please do not construe this as self-promotion. -Zaiem)
On Sept. 19, Zaiem debuted as the Thursdays co-host of the Locked On Kraken podcast, alongside Erica L. Ayala. Every Thursday, Beg and Ayala will join forces to talk Kraken hockey. The premiere episode is below. Well done, Zaiem!